Presidents AGM report 2018
Well another year has passed and we are still ticking along nicely the clubrooms is in great shape thanks to all that have made this possible it has been a big challenge, we also have some new technology to that will get us into the 21st century with our new screen and Bluetooth capabilities many thanks to a large grant from Wel trust and he who shall not be named came to the party.
A big hats off to the boys that have been running the firearms nights as it is a great earner for the branch but also time consuming.
The shooting and range days have been very successful due to the Facebook and the tireless efforts of the shooting team without them this would not exist,
The HUNTS course was a great success yet again with a hardcore team in place that made it special again, many happy faces and a good time had by all.
I would like to give a huge thanks to Paddy Curtin for the use of the land for the shooting and the HUNTS course without the access and land this our tasks would have been a tad bit harder.
To the committee we have had this year a huge thanks all of you have made my life easy, you have all got on well and there has been a good camaraderie in the branch and all have stepped up to the task.
I have been a bit quiet this year with work looking at a new venture and other commitments, and as you all know I took a position on National as the North Island Representative so bit more work, I will be standing again for national if they want me at conference. I hope some of you will attend a great eye opener and experience as it is in Wellytown this year.
I would like to thank Keith Mathews for all his work on the history to do with the shooting trophies also all the work that was done on the Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer boards as he had to go back to the start of the branch, Keith is resigning from committee duties as he is enjoying his new home and retirement.
Well I hope I haven’t missed any one if I have thanks and we hope you all continue to do good things and keep the Branch in the great shape that it is in.
David Hudson