Presidents Report August 2017

Well it has been a busy couple of months. Going to conference in Christchurch, coming home and catching up with work and the house, then the following weekend off to Taupo for the Sika show meeting followed by the Sika Foundation Meeting.

Then it was back to the clubrooms finishing up our working bee with the team, ripping the kitchen wall apart, replacing the bench top and painting of the walls and ceiling. With that done the clubrooms were nearly ready for the prize giving night, in between all of this we had groups using the clubrooms so we had to be mindful of the mess. The groups that are using the clubrooms are quite varied. We have had the firearms testing, DOC, Fish and Game, Mountain Safety, Toastmasters and a few first aid courses and we have had some positive feedback on how good the clubrooms look and feel which is great as this is where a part of our income is to keep things running.

A couple of meetings ago we as a branch applied for a grant from WEL Trust for a Bluetooth projector and screen for the clubrooms to bring it up to the modern world and we were successful to the tune of $2,500.00, so we will be seeing it at the clubrooms in the near future. Prize Giving was a fantastic night. This is where all the hard work paid off. Great turnout, good food and great company. A big thanks to Rodney and John for supplying the drinks, much appreciated. To Keith for all his time and effort with the trophies and John Taris for the work he did on the certificates. To my wife Katrina for making the place-mats for the tables and a big thanks to all that made it possible. The cake for our 70th birthday was fantastic and tasted good too. A big congratulations to James Shearer and Simon Hickton for winning the Branch service awards you truly deserve them.

Upcoming events are Chris Mansell is running a reloading demonstration session. 17th Aug The Waikeria drug dog handlers Maurice and Mark are bringing their Dogs and are going to talk on their experiences and as Mark was a Game Keeper in the Scottish Highlands it should be an interesting night. Sep 21st.

I am off into the bush this month for a week chasing rusa, reds and pigs and whatever else pops up. Last time it was a couple of stoats. Then a couple of weeks later into the Kaimanawas to cut a new chopper landing site for the sika foundation. It should be fun as we only have a GPS coordinate to go by just like the old days. To top this off I have just been given a 2.5-year- old Hungarian Vizsla named Arnold to train as an indicator dog. This is something new to me as I have had a bird dogs before but never a deer dog, a challenge but a good one.

Well that’s it from me. hope I haven’t missed anything or anyone. Keep warm, happy hunting and remember to positively identify your target.


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