Presidents Report February 2018

Greetings all. I hope everyone is well and preparing for the upcoming months with the roar then duck shooting and fishing trips or whatever you’re into, I’m certainly looking forward to the upcoming events.

Hopefully I’ll be into the Kaimanawas for few days shortly and at the end of April off to the Three Kings for five days chasing the big game fish so will miss opening weekend of duck season, bit of a bugger but mind you the Three Kings trips don’t come around very often.
The branch has been a bit quiet on the working bee front but many other things have been happening, the shooting boys have been very active well-done guys and gals. The hunts course is underway a great turnout. 16 new members taking the course, very well run by our tutor’s great work, I am very fortunate to have a great team around me to keep things ticking along as I have been a bit distant lately due to work and other commitments. Now that the busy time is nearing the end I will certainly be getting back into it shortly, keep up the good work I very much appreciate it.

This weekend I am in wellington at a National NZDA meeting so that should be interesting as there has been a lot of discussion around the new firearm laws and changes to ownership etc. It hasn’t all been work and no play though, I managed to get out for a hunt the other night getting rid of a few feral pigs for a friend who owns a farm. We managed to get 2 120 lb. boars and, on the way back, spied 2 big fallow bucks one only had one palmated antler and a spike for the other so we got the nod to shoot, big animal 73kg dressed at the butchers very fat will be awesome eating.

Just a reminder to members that the subs are due shortly, all those heads and photos won’t be eligible if you’re not a financial member.
That’s all from me, take care out there, hot barrels, wet lines and just remember to identify your target and hope to see you all out there.

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