Well where do I begin, so much has happened over the last few weeks, the committee wall has been removed and will now be our new library and blob out area, it certainly has lightened and opened the area a huge thanks to James for his time and building skills also Gary for his electrical prowess. The hall has had all the heads removed off the wall and has been cleaned, patched up and repainted, windows cleaned and all will be reinstated this coming Monday evening. A massive thanks to all that turned up, sad to see that only 2 non-committee members turned up-a big unhappy face from me. Huge thanks to Shaun for rebuilding our web page which will be fired up shortly, it looks fantastic and makes a difference when you know what you are doing.
Upcoming happenings, next Wednesday our water cylinder is being replaced so there will be hot water in the kitchen to do the dishes and toilets so you can wash your bits and bobs, no more burnt fingers decanting water from the earn. The Roar is upon us so the work will take a backseat for a month or so.
There will be some upcoming working bees to do the following, dates to be confirmed.
1, Removing the lead head nails from the roof and reinstating with tech screws as we have a few leaks, plus repainting the roof.
2, Painting the library walls and ceiling, toilets, putting up bookshelf etc.
3, Re-doing the wooden panels on the walls and removing old electrical heaters, redoing light switches and power points to bring up to regulations etc.
4, We are remodelling the kitchen wall and redoing the benchtops, we have had a large slab of Macrocarpa donated to use as a bench top for the servery.
5, by the end of all that lot we will be laying the floors with new tiles.
If all goes to plan we will have a Binford 6100 Tim the toolman clubrooms to be proud of and future proofed for the upcoming committees and members. We have one more range shoot for the year that’s this weekend, after that there will be a change of venue. More on that as it progresses, thank to the guys that are keeping this going keep up the good work guys.
Well the roar is upon us once again so things at the branch will be a little quiet as most of us will be hunting the wiley old stag or just meat for the freezer. Don’t forget if you are out there make sure your membership is up to date and don’t forget the camera for those special pics, I hear the reds are already starting and the sika have been stirring in the Kawekas area. Remember a good trip is one where everyone comes home with great stories not one that ends in tragedy. Wear your blaze and please positively identify your target.
Upcoming events are head measuring night and photo competition. The big scary one, the AGM, are you ready to take the next step, do you have a skill that we could use, if you feel that you have something positive to bring or you might want to nominate someone for one of the bigger positions we would love to hear from you. Well enough from me, may your roar be a great one, shoot straight, remember your target look forward to hearing your Hunting tales and seeing the heads at measure night.