Notice of AGM and Measuring Night NZDA Waikato Clubrooms, 138 Dey Street, Hamilton Thursday May 26th, 2022 Doors open 6:30pmEntry $5, members and non-members welcome. Raffle tickets for sale at the door. |
This is our annual measuring night so come on down to the clubrooms, bring your friends and family and enjoy a great evening. See all the heads and photographs that have been taken in the last 12 months and hear the stories. This is always a big event in our club calendar and from the stories coming out, this year has had some great trophies taken and some good ones got away too. |
At 7.30 pm we are having our AGM. This is a great opportunity to hear from the current committee about how the club is going and a chance for anyone who wants to help drive the club forward to join the committee and be a part of the future of NZDA Waikato.Mark your calendars! |