Hi all, I hope everyone is fit and well after all their trips into their secret squirrel roar blocks. There have been mixed reports on the red roar this year, some say it was quiet and some say it was a non-event. I’m not sure about what it was like down south but seems to be a trend, the sika roar was good in some areas and hot in others.
Hopefully we’ll see some good heads coming along to the measure night. Just remember it doesn’t matter what size your head is, it’s the story behind the securing of it that matters and a great way of meeting people. I myself haven’t been out for the roar, as work sucks at the moment but I am going for a long weekend hunt this weekend, hopefully the sika are still roaring if not a freezer animal would be good.
On the other hand, most of the committee have been out to various parts of the country with mixed results, then again they may be telling porkies we will soon see at measuring night. Things have been a bit quiet on the clubrooms front due to the roar but is soon to resume as there is still a bit to do. Our aim is to have most of it done by prize giving night so look out for notices of working bees.
My report is a short one this month another will follow for the AGM which is on Monday night the 8th of May, hope to see everyone there just remember its your club and clubrooms, we are only the temporary guardians we need your support, look forward to seeing everyone there.